Gaudete Sunday Coffee Hour

Sunday, December 17, 2023, 10:00 AM - 11:00 AM

Location: The Gathering Space, Parish House, Portsmouth, RI US 02871

Gaudete Sunday or the 3rd Sunday in Advent is one in which we rejoice at the coming of Christ's birth. Originally, Advent was like Lent, a penitential season, and Gaudete Sunday was a Sunday in which the penitential exercises were broken and gave forth to rejoicing at the nearness of Christ's birth.

On December 17, Gaudete Sunday, we are going to do our own rejoicing with a festive coffee hour following the 9:00 service. We are "crowding-sourcing" the food and beverages that we will share on this day. We are doing the same with preparing the food, setting up, serving, and cleaning up. Please help as you are able to make this a festive event at St. Mary's. To do so, use SignUp Genius to contribute your time, talent, or some of the menu. If you have questions, feel free to contact Judy Hall.

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