Our Leadership

The Vestry

The Vestry is the elected body of St. Mary's that is responsible for  helping define and articulate the mission of the congregation; supporting the church's mission by word and deed; selecting the rector; ensuring effective organization and planning; and managing resources and finances. 

St. Mary's Vestry members are elected for 3-year terms at the annual meeting in January.  In order to run for Vestry, a candidate must be entered on the Parish register, a regular worshiper of the Parish, and not in arrears in their financial pledge to the parish.

Vestry Leadership

  • Senior Warden - Richard Updegrove 2027 (
  • Junior Warden -  John Corbishley 2027 ( )
  • Treasurer - David Brierley 2027 ( )
  • Clerk - Mattie Gustafson 2026 ( )

Vestry Members


  • TERMS END IN 2026
    • Cory Thurston
    • Lauren Lema
    • Alex Simmons
  • TERMS END IN 2027
    • Sarah Barker
    • Jason DeFalco
    • David Burke
  • TERMS END IN 2028
    • Jerry Culver
    • Murry Edwards
    • Nancy Kimble

Sarah Gibbs Trust

Established by the Sarah Gibbs Trust in 1843, this group ensures that the property that Sarah Gibbs gave to "establish an Episcopal Church" is used to meet her wishes. 

The Trustees can either be independent or Vestry Trustees.  The independent Trustees are self-nominating for up to seven 3-year terms.  The Vestry Trustees are elected by the vestry for the duration of their vestry term to serve on the Trust.  The Bishop of Rhode Island is an ex-officio member of the Trust.

Sarah Gibbs Independent Trustees

  • Fay Gosling (2024)
  • Ted Bierman  (2025)
  • Jeff Belden, Chair (2026)

Sarah Gibbs Vestry Trustees

  • David Brierley (2024)
  • Jon Corbishley (2025)
  • Cory Thurston (2026)

The Rt. Rev. W. Nicholas Knisely, Bishop of Rhode Island ex-officio